Sorry For The Absence, But So Much To Do In The Summer, And Mushroom Hunting Is One Of Them.

Sorry For The Absence, But So Much To Do In The Summer, And Mushroom Hunting Is One Of Them.

macro mushrooms (23 of 23)
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We had a lot of rain here in Northeastern Pennsylvania this year and the mushrooms keep growing. I had a busy week and didn’t get a chance to post any blogs but I did find time to get out and find some mushrooms.macro   (5 of 9)

The woods are filled with many species of mushrooms of all colors and shapes. I love finding the edible ones but also enjoy seeing the beauty of  the species that are growing  in our woods. macro mushrooms (21 of 23)

And I always take my camera along to see if I can find anything else that may make for a good photograph. Yesterday I found this slug on a mushroom and had him do some posing for me. I will have to admit it’s hard to try and find a lot oof beauty in these critters. macro slug 085 (1 of 1)

The forest floor is also strewn with these unusual plants, indian pipes. They are often mistaken for a fungus but they are not.  They are white because they have no chlorophyll. macro indian pipes (1 of 1)

And of course it is still blueberry or swamper season and i was able to eat a lot of berries while looking for mushrooms.


I sure do love the summers. This is a link to some more photographs of the many mushrooms and a few  insects I found on my hikes this macro   (7 of 9)week.