Spring Is Making An Appearance, And It Sure Is Welcome

Spring Is Making An Appearance, And It Sure Is Welcome

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Well , so glad to have my blog website working again.i couldn’t upload photographs for over a week now.   It’s Spring here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and that always means plenty of beautiful happenings in the natural world. And, after the months of the  browns, grays and whites of Winter even the lowy dandelion looks beautiful .spring flowers  1-1

And even even more beautiful up close.

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I took a short walk around my neighborhood to capture some of the early signs of Spring.  The crocuses are in full bloom now  and there were plenty to be found in a wide variety of colors.spring flowers -24

And like he dandelion they are even more beautiful, and exotic, up close.spring flowers -11

The daffodils are beginning to bloom too. I love watching these delicate flowers nodding in the wind. spring flowers -21

And there are signs of more to come, like this budding rose bush.  There will be beautiful flowers on this tiny bud in a few months. spring flowers -17

And, in may these buds, from a lilac bush, will fill the air with a magnificent perfume as well as a beautiful flower. spring flowers -20

And all sorts of weeds and wild plants are pushing forth their first leave. Sorry you cold weather lover, there is no way Winter can compete with the beautiful colors of Spring. i hope to share many more in the coming months. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my walk this afternoon. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-page-2/nggallery/photographs-page-two-blog/spring-flowers-march-24-2016

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Spring dances with joy in every flower and in every bud letting us know that changes are beautiful and an inevitable law of life.”
Debasish Mridha